A few days ago, I came across a statistic that stopped me in my tracks: 40% of Gen Z—those so-called centennials—report feeling lonely. Many of them are grappling with deeper mental health challenges. My first instinct? Blame the digital world they were born into. A world, mind you, that we Millennials helped create.
In our pursuit of innovation and convenience, we unknowingly stripped Gen Z of the rich, tactile experiences of real-world interaction. Relationships—the cornerstone of human existence—have been reduced to likes, emojis, and hashtags. Nothing tangible, nothing that truly connects.
We are social creatures by nature; physical interaction is hardwired into us. But somewhere along the way, we allowed the rise of digital connection to convince us that a quick video call is an adequate substitute for sharing a coffee face-to-face. And now, as I think more about this loneliness epidemic, I can’t help but see the same dynamic playing out in the professional lives of this generation.
Workplaces as a Social Anchor
Traditionally, joining a workplace was akin to stepping into a new family. You didn’t choose your colleagues, just like you don’t choose your siblings. And like family, they became your companions through the ups and downs of the workday—a support system, whether you wanted it or not.
As a Millennial, I was lucky enough to experience relationships before social media. I learned to connect with people in the real world, to navigate disagreements, to find joy in shared experiences. These skills naturally transferred to the workplace, where building relationships felt like second nature.
But what about Gen Z?
The Missing “Relational Survival Kit”
This is where the challenge lies. For a generation raised in the glow of screens, many Gen Z workers enter the professional world without the “relational survival kit” that helps them thrive in non-digital spaces. When thrust into traditional workplace dynamics, they often feel out of place, misunderstood, and ill-equipped.
The result? Misinterpretation. Their behavior is often labeled as lazy, entitled, or disrespectful of hierarchy. But is that the real story? Or is it simply a case of generational misunderstanding—born of our failure to adapt to the world we’ve created?
From Ghosting to Freelancing
It’s no wonder, then, that Gen Z increasingly opts out of the traditional corporate grind. They’re ghosting employers, abandoning roles after mere months, and diving headfirst into freelancing. Why? Because freelancing offers them something the office doesn’t: freedom to be themselves, to express their values, and to work on their own terms.
This isn’t rebellion—it’s survival. In a world where they feel out of sync with the structures around them, freelancing becomes a safe space to define success on their own terms.
Bridging the Gap: It’s On Us
So, what’s the solution? If we truly want to bridge the generational divide, it’s time to take a hard look in the mirror. We built the digital world they live in. We set the expectations. Now, we must take responsibility for helping them navigate it.
This starts with opening up genuine channels of communication. Not just virtual ones, though those are important, but physical, face-to-face interactions. We need to make space for mentorship, for real conversations that go beyond quarterly reports and performance reviews.
It’s about understanding that their reluctance to conform isn’t laziness—it’s a response to a system that doesn’t feel designed for them. If we want them to stay, to grow, and to thrive within organizations, we need to meet them where they are, rather than forcing them into molds that no longer fit.
Rethinking Relationships in the Workplace
Gen Z isn’t a problem to be solved—they’re an opportunity to rethink how we connect, collaborate, and create together. Their desire for freedom, for authenticity, isn’t a threat to the workplace; it’s a chance to make it better.
By embracing both physical and digital connections, by mentoring rather than managing, we can build workplaces that not only accommodate Gen Z but inspire them. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll learn something from them along the way.
At Xtroverso, we believe in the power of connection. Whether through innovative tools or human touchpoints, we’re here to help bridge gaps, foster understanding, and create spaces where everyone—from Millennials to Gen Z—can thrive.
From Ghosting Jobs to Freelancing: Understanding Gen Z’s Work Mindset